The nickname of the Oedet was laid down by six water buffalo in Zakarzhd 15 May. 11:53 Category:Экология

The members of the court will live on the island of Yermaks of the Dukiest biosphere

У районі Чорнобиля від російської міни загинув червонокнижний кінь 13 May. 14:18 Category:Экология

Це єдиний представник конеподібних у дикій фауні, табуни яких були акліматизовані у Чорнобильській зоні відчуження.

In the Blackwater, the rescue has been liberated from the death trap 11 May. 22:52 Category:Экология

sample of supernormal hugs took a slingshot build out of a rescue rope, and using a manipulator pulled on a rigid surface

"massive extinction" via temperature change, research 11 May. 11:40 Category:Экология

According to scientists, extreme temperatures around the world are the main cause of the sinking of the coral

The "If the Russians destroy the closing path, they cannot be restored," - a fellow member of the "Askonia-New" by Natalie Constantine 11 May. 09:00 Category:Экология

The Petrified biosphere secretary "Ascia-New" by the name of the F.E. Falkz, Nathan Colon, told UlAN why the occupation had not been taken under control for over a year, and what a threat to combat action could be the worst for him

The global climate disaster is inevitable, the process has already begun, scientists 9 May. 05:27 Category:Экология

Humanity still does too little for climate protection, so the consequences will soon be felt

Imported scientists have discovered "master" a new number reduction factor 3 May. 22:03 Category:Экология

Research has shown that increasing temperature caused by global warming can be caused by reducing the number of bees around the world

llow miracle: There was a rare plant in the Avengers on Osse 3 May. 12:27 Category:Экология

llow flowers in the background of the blue sky create the gamma of the flag in Ukraine

Scientific scientists have invented bacteria eating plastic, but some people don't like it 2 May. 04:37 Category:Экология

Some experts believe that solving a problem is enough to reduce production of plastic labor

digital intelligence can become a "firearms around" to fight forest fires, media 2 May. 03:45 Category:Экология

The sudden use of artificial intelligence for forest fires could be possible in the next few years

Injection of a worm's moose into marriage 1 May. 23:56 Category:Экология

In the framework of the Criminal, a taco of an individual is added to the Criminal Law

ek of millions of ants: There is a unusual phenomenon on the site 28 Apr. 13:33 Category:Экология

The receiver is currently observing the morning of mass reproduction

День пам'яті про Чорнобильську катастрофу: що важливо пам'ятати про трагедію 26 Apr. 10:15 Category:Экология

26 квітня - День пам'яті жертв Чорнобильської катастрофи, однієї з найстрашніших катастроф за всю історію ядерної енергетики.

The vast ozone hole threatens penguins and seals, studies 26 Apr. 09:43 Category:Экология

Their infants can be vulnerable to ultraviolet rays

The Ukrainian polarizers on the world day of penguins showed unique photos 25 Apr. 14:04 Category:Экология

The penguin friendship is responsible for parenting -- the eggs hang in turn, and then protect and feed the chicks

The dust storms are getting angrier in Europe: It's gonna get worse 25 Apr. 05:33 Category:Экология

According to the One who is currently implementing the effective pilot prevention strategy is China

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